Garis Panduan

Development of Manuscript

1. A scientific writing must include the followings:

a. Prelim; Title of Manuscript, List of Writers, Foreword, Introduction, Abbreviation List (with Roman numeral such as, i, ii, iii and so on).

b. Text; Chapter, Part or Subchapter (with Arabic numeral such as 1, 2, 3 and others).

c. Ending; Writer’s Biography (if any) Attachment (if any), Glossary (if any), Bibliography, Index (with Arabic numeral continues with the last chapter of the text).


2. Writers must adhere to the following requirements;

a. Writing must in Malay or English language or in other languages,

b. Writing in Malay language must follow Tatabahasa Dewan and Sistem Ejaan Rumi Dewan. In addition, writing in English must use the spelling and grammar (United Kingdom).

c. Use the MS Word software (only format.doc).

d. Use 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman font with size 12.

e. Text margin is 2.5 cm for right, left, up and down.

f. Each chapter and part must be typed in separate file.

g. Writing with the supporting materials such as illustration, graphic, table, any supporting text material and others must be supplied with original software in jpeg to facilitate layout process and printing. Table can be attached in MSWord format or in original software format (image/graphic).

h.Table, illustration, graphic, diagram or supporting material must be written in Times New Roman font with size 10. 

i. Picture or illustration from the website is not encouraged but if it is necessary, the writer must quote the source and the picture must be high resolution which is more than 300 dpt and medium-sized.

 j. Title of the table must be given numbering and place it before the table.

k. For table, illustration or other graphics must have numbering with explanation and place at the bottom.

l. Each writing must take into account the fact, adaptation or recopy of the material from original publication must quote the source.

m. Printed on  A4 paper with one-sided page.


3. Writers are encouraged to arrange their writing with the use of chapter or subchapters. The division of subchapter can be marked with the followings: 

  • Chapter Title: CAPS/BOLD/14 POINT
  • First Subchapter: CAPS//BOLD/12 POINT
  • Second Subchapter: Lower Case/Bold/12 point
  • Third Subchapter: Lower Case/Italic/Bold/12 point
  • (The writing of fourth chapter or more is not encouraged).


4. For numbering purpose using in the text;

For example;

  • Education in Malaysia
  • Secular Education
    • i. Malay-stream School
    • ii. Chinese-stream School
    • iii. Tamil-stream School


5. For technical writing, the numbering fraction is allowed and should emphasize the uniformity of terms, the use of terms, units of measure, dimensions, symbols, formulas, and technical signs. Style sheet equations for technical aspects are encouraged.

6. The use of footnotes or endnotes for further explanation in the text is not encouraged.

7. Source of text must use this style: (writer, year: paging), the writing of bibliography must use Gaya Dewan.

For example;

  • (Bloom, 1964)
  • (Bloom, 1964: 70)
  • (Bllome dan Egan-Robertson, 1993: 342)
  • (Abu Hassan et al., 1998: 161‒162)


8. Attachment; (if any) must be in Roman numbering such as Attachment I, Attachment II, Attachment III and so on.

9. Glossary; (if any); the explanation of term must be arranged according to the alphabetical order. Every term must be italicized. 

10. Brief Biodata; short explanation about the writer.

11. Index; keyword or matters in writing for writer’s quick reference. Must be arranged according to the alphabetical order.


12. Bibliography

a. Book

Writer, Year of Publication. Title of the Book. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.


Adam, M.J., 1990. Beginning to read: Thinking and learning about print. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Mahzan Arshad, 2003. Pendidikan literasi Bahasa Melayu: Satu pendekatan bersepadu. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications and Distributors.

b. E-book

Writer, Year of Publication. Title of the Book. DOI/URL Details.

Mahzan Arshad, 2003. Pendidikan literasi Bahasa Melayu: Satu pendekatan bersepadu. 3541999930.

c. Journal Article

Writer, Year. Title of the Journal Name, Issue, paging. Year


Mahajan, S. & Tuteja, N. Cold, salinity and drought success: An overview. Dlm. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 444, hlm 139‒158, 2005.

Clay, M.M., The reading behavior of five-year-old children: A research report. dlm. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, No 2, Hlm. 11‒31, 1967.

d. Online Journal

Writer, Year.  Title of the Article. Name of Journal, Issue, Retrieved on Date of Assessed from Journal Detail.


Thammasitboon, K., Sukotjo, C., Howell, H. & Karimbux, N. 2007. Problem-based Learning at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine: Self-assessment of performance in postdoctoral training. Diakses pada Februari 2009 daripada

e. Article or chapter in book (editing work)

Writer, Year. Title of the article. Name of the Editor in the original book, Title


Rozen, S. & Skaletsky, H.J. 2000. Primer 3 on the WWW for general users and for biologist programmers. In S. Krawetz & S. Misener (eds.). Bioinformatics methods and protocols: Methods in molecular biology, hlm. 365-386. New Jersey: Humana Press.

Beck, I., 1984. Developing comprehension: The impact of the directed reading lesson. Dalam R.C. Anderson, J. Osborn & R.J. Tierney (eds.), Learning to read in American schools: Basal readers and content texts. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

f. Proceeding/Conference/Seminar

Writer, Year. Title of Paperwork presented. In the Proceeding Title. Name of Seminar, venue, date. 

Royce, John C., 1968. Finches of Du Page County. Kertas kerja dalam 2nd Annual Conference on Bird-watching. Midland University, Flat Prairie, Illinois, 24-26 May 1987.

Othman Puteh, 1991, Cerpen-cerpen Karya Pengarang Pahang: Pencapaian dan Arah Masa Depan. Kertas kerja dalam Simposium Darul Makmur Dua. Bandar Pusat Jengka, Pahang, 1-2 Februari 1999.